Mongolian Translator
For Gwabegar

Whether you're looking for Mongolian to English translation or English to Mongolian translation, our certified and professional Mongolian translator is ready to help you. Professional Mongolian translation services for residents of Gwabegar are prepared by full-time translators, experienced in translating for both individuals and businesses. All of our Mongolian translators have tertiary qualifications and have more than 10 years of professional translation experience across a wide range of subject-matter.

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Mongolian Translations for Gwabegar

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Advertise your business in Gwabegar in the Mongolian language

If you have a local business you'd like to advertise on this Gwabegar page, or specifically would like to translate your product or services information into Mongolian, please email us. Our Mongolian language services has experience in all types of document translation including technical and medical translation.

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About the Mongolian Language

Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and both the most widely spoken and best-known member of the Mongolic language family. The number of speakers across all its dialects may be 5.2 million, including the vast majority of the residents of Mongolia and many of the ethnic Mongol residents of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. In Mongolia, the Khalkha dialect is predominant, and is currently written in both Cyrillic and traditional Mongolian script (and at times in Latin for social networking), while in Inner Mongolia, the language is dialectally more diverse and is written in the traditional Mongolian script.

In the discussion of grammar to follow, the variety of Mongolian treated is Standard Khalkha Mongolian (i.e., the standard written language as formalized in the writing conventions and in grammar as taught in schools), but much of what is to be said is also valid for vernacular (spoken) Khalkha and for other Mongolian dialects, especially Chakhar.

Some classify several other Mongolic languages like Buryat and Oirat as dialects of Mongolian, but this classification is not in line with the current international standard.


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